Thursday, October 4, 2007

Jruby and the Compiler

This week Charles from sun just announced the release of the Jruby compiler. This is a great step in the progress of Jruby. It will allow Jruby to be compiles and run more securely. Allowing for more commercial applications to be created.

Since this is such a litigious industry, I am very happy about this news.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

iWay and JCA IWAF adapter

iWay makes 300 hundred adapters. They have there own middleware server called iWay 55 and the EDA server. iWay55 has an option to inbed their JCA adapter with in an application server. Such as Tomcat.

for this post i am assumeing everything is based on windows. Since iways design tools are only supported on the windows platform.

The iway55 BSE must be installed and that is your build directory. Once that is doen you must use the Java Swing application explorer to create a JCA configuration.

Monday, June 18, 2007



Work is busy and we are on our way to designing the new Generation of EIM

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Welcome To Coortus

Why Coortus it is Latin for [arising , breaking forth]. Which is what we as programmers are doing. JRuby is one of the most dynamic and fascinating languages around. I want to show how to push Jruby applications to the limit of Database connections and use.